Finished up a long-paused project, 12 Minute Travelogues, which started out, back in 2008, as a podcast of ambient recordings composed on the road, in mountain cabins, laundromats, motel rooms, and other liminal spaces. Available on Bandcamp at a set-your-own-price level, and incorporates twelve twelve-minute ambient soundtracks to imaginary films. Best with headphones, or playing quietly in the background.
Tag: slow music
I Skugga (In the Shade)

Was inspired by the beautiful weather today and sat on the porch to edit some recent material into a collection on Bandcamp, appropriately titled I Skugga, which is Swedish for “in the shade,” since I’m revisiting my college Swedish lessons during the pandemic. It’s an abstract collection of recent ambient experiments and field recordings.
It’s priced from 0 to pay-what-you-will, but I’m content with zero.
It’s a pleasure to share.
Last night at the Electric Maid
A condensation of last night’s live set at the Electric Maid. Improvisation for one instrument (Novation Bass Station 2), one effects processor (Electro-Harmonix Stereo Memory Man with Hazarai), recorded live with a digital recorder (trusty old Zoom H2) and sent to the house PA through a preamp (ART USB Dual Pre). Nothing was prerecorded or presequenced.
©2017 Joe Belknap Wall, dba Kantoendrato